Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Call Me Crazy …. But …

And believe me, I can't believe I'm saying this, but it is nice to see some real New England Winter weather today. Even though the impending Snow Storm wreaked havoc on my Fibromyalgia symptoms yesterday, I'm enjoying this wintery day.

This morning I thought Shrek had an appointment today, but he said no, it's Friday. With the winter weather getting worse later in the day, I told him I was not going to have the truck today because I was not going to drive in this weather, no matter what. I cannot handle the focus I need to have on the road, other drivers, it completely exhausts me (thanks Fibro!), AND I wanted to sleep in this morning. Guess What???

It Was “I” Who Had a Dr. Appointment....

Thank goodness Mr. M's office is within walking distance, and I was actually looking forward to the walk. It is a great time for me to be “Mindful” of what I experience on the walk, and I'd be leaving and getting home before the storm was supposed to get here. Leaving in plenty of time, I started on my journey, enjoying the chirps of the birds, paying attention to how individual cars' engines sound differently, noticing bushes with bare branches, and the trees with gnarled branches. Not to mention the Architecture on some of these old houses! (That's another blog, when I can take Shrek with me to take pictures of what I saw.)

If you look close, you can see a grapevine wreath, and a curtain
valance at the top
Check out this Re purposed Window Frame.  Not the greatest picture, but it is adorable.

One of the unique things about New England weather is how quickly it can change, and change it did. I was almost there when I noticed the first flurries tumble down. Light, tiny, whispy flakes. I smiled.......go ahead, call me crazy!

As much as the weather changes bother my Fibromyalgia, and I get chilled to the bone so easily, I missed the “quiet” the snow brings. An hour later, the flakes were tumbling more quickly. I bundled up with my extra wide, extra long scarf and began the walk home. A whole new landscape for me to see, and I smiled.

Call Me Crazy!

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