Thursday, November 17, 2011


Well, one week until Thalnksgiving! Since I've had Fibromyalgia for two years, my house slowly started looking I am slowly starting to clean things in the nooks and crannys, and get this house looking like a home again. Of course it hasn't helped that our oldest and her son moved in, then a few years later #2 moved in with her daughter....then the oldest and son moved out, and bedrooms got rearranged...LOL...YES! this is my life....5 Kids, two Grandkids and a wonderful husband who works his tail off and I am Thankful and Blessed and Love it all.

But, back to Thanksgiving! It is one of my favorite holidays (Christmas is #1) because it is a time for family and friends to gather and give thanks for all that they have. This year, my brother Rob and his family (Wife Joann) and their four children are coming to stay for a few days and my in-laws, who we haven't seen in several years are coming from California ( they'll be staying at a hotel). So #2, and myself have been working on putting the house back together and nudging the teens to do their part. It is coming together and the house is looking pretty good again....and that means the house will be ready for Christmas AND I'll get to focus on my crafts and vintage repurposing and bringing pictures to this site!

P.S. I have been searching for blogs of lovely vintage "stuff" and fibromyalgia, I'm following 23, but they don't appear on my page. I am working on getting them to show because I want to share all of the good stuff I find.

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