Reality hits - Fibromyalgia severely impacted my ability to work; listening to my body, to avoid the cycle of push, crash, burn, meant I called out sick and had to limit my hours. Two years ago, I left my job. To keep this "short story" short, aside from many other details, we have to sell our house - Our Pink House :( Boooooo, and Rent a house till we get back on track.Of course, that just means another adventure which my ADD has a love / hate relationship with - love adventure and change, but it also leaves me a bit apprehensive.
House showings - clean house - start to pack - holidays - pack some more - no more auctions ( boooo :( ) / buying because we don't want to have to pack and move extra stuff. I have PLENTY of my Stuff to pack.

So now the search for a new home that fits our multi-generational, large family, has become a bit of a challenge. We are limited with $$$ to pay for rent, need 5 BRs, a place to keep our business going (and growing!), preferably with some land so we can have some peace and seclusion. Am I in Dream World? Yeah, I think so. Oh Did I Mention We Have 3 Dogs???
In one of my blogs, I said I'd keep you posted as we went on this journey, and until now, I was reluctant to share, as this "reality" is a tough one to share. It's a bit disappointing, depressing, and challenging.

As a family, we are all trying to adjust to what is happening. We LOVE our Pink House; as #5 said "This is the first house I felt "At Home"".
So, these are the houses we've checked out. One house that sits on 9 acres has been for sale for a while, but they will not rent; another house on the lake is very tempting, but we'd be a little cramped and that can create tension amongst my clan; another one that fits Everything our family needs, but it's a bit farther away. WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO, WACK A DO, WACK A DO.
Yes, I am going insane. Wish Us Luck!
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