Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Horse Drawn Carriage, The Whole Family, & One Tree

     WOW!  We haven't gone looking for our tree like this in a long time.  It was usually going down to a farm stand, all the kids standing by the tree they felt was best, tie it to the roof, and head home. Along with the typical arguing about whose tree was best and/or got chosen.

     All Five Kids and Two Grandkids on a horse drawn carriage through the field, singing Christmas Carols.

For some reason, they trusted me with
the'll see why down the page

Our Escorts Luke and ?
Our Resident Photographer who was graciously taking
pictures, so she wasn't in them

Check out her Amazing Photos!

Angie Marie Photography

They're Off and Running ... Another First, in a long time, if ever ...

There was more laughter, and no arguing ...


And THIS is why they let me get the saw ...
Notice she's laughing... 

Last but not least .... our Tree Waterer

After we decorate it, I'll post some pics...this sucker is HUGE!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Repurposed Paper Flower Pen

At the doctor's office today, I went to borrow a pen, and noticed that the flower on the end of the pen was made from scrap paper.

What a GREAT way to re-use scrap paper.

I asked the receptionist if I could take a picture of it with my phone, and she said I could have it!  Made my day.  LOL  (P.S. I think my daughter was a little embarassed, but laughed with me)

I am going to try this with music sheet paper, book pages, and whatever ephemera I can find in my stash.  I'll use green floral tape to wrap the flower on the end of the pen. 

As soon as I do one, I'll post!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Lesson Learned From My Mother-In-Law

     At the time, I didn't realize this was even a "lesson" or that it would be one of the most important things that I learned. 

And Who'd a Thought It Would Be From "a" Mother-In-Law!

(P.S. I Love My In-Laws, especially my MIL)

     The very first time I met my in-laws was when I went to California for my sister-in-law's wedding.  At the time, I had only been dating my husband for 3 months.

     When we got back to my MIL's home, many family members were there, buzzing around comfortably, helping get food ready, chatting, and feeling very comfortable in her home.

Out of the blue, my MIL asked me to sort through her mail that was on the side table.
I thought this was an odd request; I mean, mail is a personal thing, isn't it?  (That's my puritanical East Coast thinking)but I did  it anyway; who was I to object?

     I can't remember who I asked, but the answer to my question of "Why did she ask me to sort her mail?"  was:  "Because she wanted to give me something to do (anything!), so I would feel like I belonged" - 

courtesy of
          I later learned from a business group, they not only had a Pres, VP, Treas, and Sec., they had a greeter, a time keeper, and a few other "jobs" depending on how big the group was.  For the same reason, when you get people involved, they feel like they belong. 

So it amazes me today, that certain groups/organizations don't use this simple
concept in their group, especially 
if they're looking to add members.  It makes for a pleasant experience for everyone.

     So, during your Thanksgiving Celebration this week, make sure you ask your guests to "help" you.  It not only lightens your load, but it helps people feel like they belong at your home.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Lots of Goodies To Process!

     Even with help from my lovely assistant, Beckie, sorting, researching, writing up a description, measuring, weighing .... yikes it still takes forever!  Trying to keep the house somewhat clean for house showings and other inconveniences keep getting in the way.

1950s era Doe & Fawn Table Lamp
So Peaceful

     Part of the problem is that some of our stuff is on the 3rd floor and some is on the first - no room to have it all in one place, and there's better atmosphere on the first floor for pictures.

Gorgeous 1900s Wrought Iron Lamp

As you can tell from our listings, we're into lamps and light fixtures.  Working on changing it up.

One of My Favorite Items To Find
Reverse Painted Foil Art

Soon to come, a somewhat large selection of vintage Indian Souvenir Dolls.  Brings back memories of the dolls I got as souvenirs.  What a feeling, to have memories come back, just from holding/seeing something you had as a child.

Still A Favorite Through the Ages - Charlie Brown

Also waiting to be listed from our Auction adventure  vintage signed and unsigned costume jewelry; great designs!

Vintage books, a salt glaze salt crock, and a Flip Wilson / Geraldine Doll.

Still no luck on finding a good place to live and properly run our business, but I know God has a special place in mind for us.  We just need to Trust, Be Patient, and Wait for His Time.

Checking out some upcoming auctions, and estate sales so we can keep bringing you  vintage Treasures!



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ahhh Finally I'm able to get you a sneak peak of the treasures we got at the Wintergarden Auction Saturday!  Between the Fibro and a large, busy family, it's a bit challenging to blog and run a small business. But me and Beckie are working out the kinks....without further adou ....

A view of the few items left near the end of the auction.
I forgot to take pictures earlier in the auction.

"Some" of our stash; but you'll have to wait to see the wrought iron chandeliers,
the 1920's Acme Doll and other goodies.

I like to sit in the back of the auction so I can see who is bidding on what.  I took careful notes of what we wanted to get and the highest I wanted to bid.  Chuck raised the paddle for me because his reflexes are in better shape than mine. 

      The funniest part was we had a signal - I would "jab" him if I wanted him to go higher on something.  The auctioneer held up three vintage black dolls, pictured above, and he kept saying black dolls, and no one wants the black dolls; Chuck says "That's bad" or something like that so I "Jabbed" him, and we won the bid!  Actually the baby in the leopard pj's is adorable (a Dee Bee Doll from 1929) and who dosn't remember Flip Wilson and Geraldine! Don't worry ... he raised the paddle on a few things HE wanted, even when I said no...all good fun!

Coming very soon are the Ebay and Etsy Postings.  Stay tuned....