Monday, March 5, 2012

EXCITING Weekend At The Pink House!

What a Great Weekend We had!  It started Saturday morning when Shrek and I went and got a Starbucks coffee, and headed out to two Estate Sales.  It was a little late to be heading out at 9 AM, but it didn't matter to me; I was excited just to be going.  

As it turns out, the house was just about empty of it's vintage "stuff", but it's not just the contents of the house that I love meandering through, but sometimes the houses themselves are so interesting.  Case in point...this house.  It was an older house with beautiful woodwork, a finished attic that had windows looking out to a park, and a nice porch with a church pew as a bench.  

Sometimes it's the stuff that no one wants, that's the best; at least in my opinion.  I found some interesting things:  A Wooden Jewish Match It/Memory Educational game, vintage pack of Hearts cards, two vintage packs of airline playing cards, a ballerina with a tulle and lace tutu on a post that spins, marked Japan and a Lenox Loving Hearts Treasure Trinket Box.  All soon to be on ebay!  

Then on Sunday, we / #4 got a puppy, and so did #2, who lives with us....So there are now 2 adorable Border Collies living with us, Maxwell (#2's) and Kayla (#4's).  

Kayla on the Left and Maxwell on the Right
Call me Crazy (as #1 did!), (and my brother calls me Mrs. Doolittle) but it is very exciting to have the puppies.  #4 plans on obedience training and showing, as well as agility and possibly frisbee, and I'm looking forward to working with her and sharing in this sport.  #2's happy because she now has a jogging partner, and she and her family like to hike and do things outdoors.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

5:30 AM Walk In A New England Snowstorm

What was I thinking?

I'll tell you what I was thinking...

     I DO NOT want to drive in this.  Yes, #5 has an orthodontist appointment, and I have to pay a bill downtown, but Really.....I seriously cannot drive in this anymore, it totally messes with the Fibro.  

     So Shrek says "Do you want me to drop you off and you can walk home?"  (It wasn't that far) I don't think he expected me to say yes.  I was still in my pajamas, and honestly, I was thinking about those women over the years who were oddly walking at an ungodly hour, in their PJ's (like me - turquoise blue with snowflakes and workboots) and went missing.  Yes, I have a wild imagination, and watch way too much CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, etc.  Are you surprised?

But sure enough, aside from the traffic, it was Quiet and Still.

The Low Hanging Branches of
The Snow Laden Trees

Beautiful 1800's New England House
In The Still Of The Morn

From My Driveway Looking Out