Of course, I have my Primary Care Dr.,
whom I Love; he has been very helpful, calm and understanding. He
was the first to diagnose me, put me on the right type of medication
which, for the most part, has the pain controlled, but not the
complete exhaustion and fatigue. The Rhematologist was useless, as
was the “quack” neurologist who seemed to dismiss some of what I
said, and basically ignored the rest of what I said. (Yes, I'm going
to be looking for a new one real soon.) But, one suggestion from my
PC has led me to one of the most important things I do to deal with
my Fibromyalgia and all that comes with it.
My Counselor!
Mr. M. is awesome. He is
an LICSW, and has been counseling our family on and off for the past
13 years. I was first sent to him to see if I was “depressed”.
I really didn't think I was depressed, I had been before; this was
different, but who am I to say, let's check it all out. Mr. M.
didn't really think I was depressed either, stressed, yes, but not
depressed. So we worked on ways to manage the stress. Daily
meditation, which I know worked for me in the past, but having
someone to hold me accountable (in my mind, not his) was very
helpful. It took a few weeks before I could stop most of the mind
wandering, but as he explained it's part of the cycle – acknowledge
it and let it go. He has taught me to do the same when I get
frustrated with my foggy brain, pain, not being able to do what I
used to do. Acknowledge the thought and let it go.
Like most people with
Fibromyalgia, I don't want people to feel sorry for me, just
understand and accept me as I am. I try to keep a smile on my face,
a positive attitude and a kind heart towards helping others. As
you all know, it is not that easy, we have to work at it. Mr. M. has
helped me with that too. Being “Mindful”; Living
“Mindfully”. What is being “Mindful” and Living
“Mindfully”? To me, it is slowing down, thinking about what I am
doing, and being “present” in that specific moment. One example
he gave me that really brings it down to basics was when a woman told
him that when her phone rings at work, she stops what she is doing,
takes a breath, and answers the phone. In that moment that's what
she was focusing on—the person on the other end of the line.
How else can you “Live
- Don't multi-task – be mindful in the one thing you are doing
- When you take a walk, don't talk on your cell phone; notice what's around you. A squirrel, a flock of finches on the bare branches of a bush, feel the air on your face. You know that age old saying “Stop and Smell the Roses”? Take it literally; maybe not every day, but once a week?
- Stop what you're doing and listen to the person talking to you. Be fully present with them.
It's hard today, to do
this. We are always being asked to do more, but eventually, it wears
you out. This is especially true for people with chronic illnesses.
I used to think I had to do it all, be super woman, and my husband
asked “why?”; I said “Because I have to”. Let me tell you –
NO YOU DON'T. It's really okay if the laundry doesn’t get folded,
or if your kids do their own laundry and they don't separate it.
Life is for Living (“Mindfully”).
The most recent thing I
learned from Mr. M. this week was when you can't keep your normal
schedule of balancing and pacing your days (let's face it, life is
unpredictable, whether you have a chronic illness or not!), to do
what you can, when you can. If you have to “shut down” and
meditate in the car, then that's
where you do it. In between appointments or carting the kids, take
ten minutes to just be. I've even “shut down” in a doctors
waiting room. It's a little embarrassing when they call your name
and you're a little out of it, but even that few minutes can help you
maintain some sort of balance. It's like the best way to eat healthy
and keep your metabolism
going is to eat a lot of small meals through out the day. It's the
same thing with meditating or being mindful; if you have to, do it in
small chunks of time throughout the day.
three things have helped me avoid the push and crash cycle that we
know all to well. Sometimes it's inevitable; you have to push, and
then you crash. For me that's around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but
I keep working hard at maintaining balance. When I find it difficult
to maintain the balance, keep my spirits up, help me put words on
what I'm having trouble with, or to be reminded that it's not all in
my head, there is Mr. M. to help me through it. I strongly encourage
anyone, but especially those with chronic illnesses to find a
counselor. It has been one of the biggest things that has helped me
with this crazy thing they call Fibromyalgia.
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